While the politicians are still locked down negotiating the Budget measures, the ATO have clarified their views in a number of important areas. Practitioners assisting clients with relationship breakdowns need to be aware of the ATO’s views in a controversial new ruling that highlights the tax risks that can arise when a private company transfers money or assets under a Family Court order. This and more in the online tax round up!

Knowledge Shop members, download the full tax round up covering all the key issues over the last month from the member's website (you will need to log in first).

This month:

  • The controversial new ruling on company transfers of assets or money under the Family Law Act and the potential tax impact on recipients
  • The tax treatment of credit card surcharges – why the ATO’s new draft ruling will be a surprise to many
  • Bitcoin and virtual currencies – the tax position explained
  • The ATOs warning on the Dempsey residency case and why you need to be certain of your facts
  • Tax treatment of interest on unclaimed super and the impact on temporary residents

Knowledge Shop members have access to the full tax round up covering all of the important issues - just so you don't miss anything. To see what Knowledge Shop membership offers, call Julie on 1800 800 232 or take a tour online.

Audit Shield covers the professional fees that help you assist your client to respond to an official audit, enquiry, investigation or review of returns lodged with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or other federal, state or territory government authority, agency or body. 

More on Accountancy Insurance's Audit Shield


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