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Contractor v Employee

The ATO's Response

The ATO has responded to recent High Court cases that fundamentally change the way we need to distinguish between employees and contractors.

The contractor/ employee distinction has been problematic for the profession for many years. It is also an area where clients are often unaware of the broader implications.

CFMMEU v Personnel Contracting and ZG Operations v Jamsekclarified the way the courts determine whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor. Now we have the ATO's response and the expectations of the regulator

In this guide we walk you through the issue and the expectations including.

  • The High Court decisions and their implications
  • The ATO's response and expectations 
  • The practical implications

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This guide to the contractor/ employee distinction is just a small sample of the breadth of knowledge we can deliver to your team. Want to see for yourself? Book in a time for a tour or give me a call on 1300 378 950.


Jasmine Hilder
Knowledge Shop


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