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The Top 5 Problem Areas

We know that trusts is one of those areas where the profession struggles for certainty

Published 17 November 2022.

With the aggressive stance of the ATO towards trusts and trust distributions, the complexity of assisting clients in this area is only growing.

The Knowledge Shop membership help desk answers thousands of questions from practitioners and advisers every month. Working with trust clients is a consistent theme. So, to help clarify some of those issues, we’ve brought together the core problem areas:

  • Application of Section 100A (does not take into account the final ATO guidance on s100A).
  • Trusts & Division 7A
  • Franked dividends in a trust
  • Cross border capital gains in a trust
  • Disclaiming trust entitlements

The Knowledge Shop membership makes life in practice just that bit simpler and more efficient for you and your team. This guide to the top 5 trust problem areas is just a small sample of the breadth of knowledge we can provide to your team. We do this through the help desk, workpaper knowledge base, quarterly PD, and more - wherever you are and however you are working.

Want to find out more about membership? Book in a time for a tour or call me on 1300 378 950.


Jasmine Hilder
Knowledge Shop


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